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Solstício de inverno, summer solstice!

Angela, Maria and Collaborators

Nesses 5 anos de blog, nós recebemos muitas fotos da natureza de norte a sul, de leste a oeste! E continuamos a receber!

In these 5 years of blog, we got nature photos from north to south, east to west. And we still do!

Itália/Italy by Irmã Adriana

No hemisfério norte, estamos no solstício de verão.

In the northern hemisphere, we entered the summer solstice.

Itália/Italy by Irmã Adriana

E no hemisfério sul, estamos no solstício de inverno

And in the southern hemisphere, we entered the winter solstice.

Santa Catarina by Ricardo Patocs

Vamos celebrar o verão na Itália?

Shall we celebrate summer in Italy?

Itália/Italy by Irmã Adriana

Mais Itália?

More of Italy?

Itália/Italy by Eloísa Tavares

Itália/Italy by Mauro Scarmato

Vamos à Santa Catarina experimentar o frio?

Shall we go to the state of Santa Catarina to experience the cold?

Santa Catarina by Karen Agra

Santa Catarina by Ricardo Patocs

Santa Catarina by Suely Pacheco

Santa Catarina by Kimaya

Santa Catarina by Cesar Beroncini

Obrigada, colaboradores e colaboradoras!

Thank you, collaborators!


2015 by Nature in Two Languages©Angela & Maria​

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